All Orion Tech students are encouraged to take advantage of the MAP (Mentoring, Application, and Preparation) Program if they are in fear of failing, wanting to raise their GPA, improve test readiness or develop skills in organizing, prioritizing, time management and study habits. For assistance in any of these areas, please contact the Student Services Advisor at 563-386-3570 or visit to arrange services. Students interested in becoming a MAP Tutor, must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the course he/she wishes to mentor, and obtain the recommendation of the student’s instructor from that course. Additionally, mentor candidates should possess a good attendance record, leadership qualities and a desire to help others.
Student Services Advising If a student is having problems that may be impeding his/her progress and needs someone to talk to, the Student Services Advisor is available to assist as an advocate, helping discover resources and connecting students with referrals. Students are encouraged to make full use of the services available for any of the following areas: housing assistance, childcare, transportation, part-time job assistance, life skills, budget, and personal financial planning skills
If you have a problem, and need someone to talk to, the Student Services Advisor is available. During the course of your training, you are encouraged to make full use of this service for any of the following, personal, financial, scholastic, etc
Our Learning Resource Center (LRC) includes books, reference materials, videos, magazines, video viewing equipment, and computers with Internet access. Students who use the computer are required to sign in and out at the front desk. Books can be checked out at the front desk for a period of two weeks. Reference books may be used within the school grounds.
Each student receives access to LIRN®, the Library and Information Resources Network (, which is a consortium of educational institutions which have joined to share access to information resources. The LIRN® collection provides students with over 60 million peer-reviewed and full-text journals, magazines, and newspaper articles, e-books, podcasts, audio, and video resources to support their academic studies from Gale Cengage, ProQuest, EBSCO, CREDO Reference, eLibrary, and more, covering topics for General Education, Business, Medical and other programs. Access information is posted in classrooms and in the LRC.
Students are also notified of a free resource available to all Ohioans called KnowItNow. KnowItNow is a live online information service provided free of charge for the citizens of Ohio by the State Library of Ohio and the Ohio Public Library.
Orion Tech may assist you with job leads for part-time employment while you are in school. A listing of current part-time employment opportunities is posted on the monitors in the main hallway or can be obtained from the Student Services Advisor.
At Orion Tech, you work hard and we reward hard work. If you achieve high marks, you are honored at graduation with special awards. For Example, graduates in the School of Allied Health are awarded for earning the highest CGPA in the class. Graduates with the highest CGPA in the School of Technology are awarded with Alpha Beta Kappa membership.
Employers prefer you have excellent class attendance because they believe if you show up for class, you will show up for work. To reinforce the importance of strong attendance, we will formally recognize you for achieving perfect attendance or excellent attendance. Additionally, Formal graduation ceremonies are held for every graduating class. The choice to enroll, attend and complete your training at Orion Tech is a big accomplishment, and your family is encouraged to attend graduation and cheer you on as you receive your hard-earned diploma or degree.
Transportation to and from school is your responsibility. To learn about ride-sharing or public transportation, contact the Student Services Advisor
Orion Tech does not offer on-campus housing. However, the Student Services Advisor maintains a list of housing options close to the College. Individual leasing terms are established between the apartment complex and the tenant. If you have additional questions on housing, contact the Student Services Advisor.
At the end of each semester students can earn recognition for academic achievement:
Orion Tech maintains the Alpha Chapter of the Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society for degree programs. If you graduate with the highest grade point average in an individual graduating class you will be inducted into the Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society with initiation and lifetime membership fees paid by the college.
For the purpose of faculty /staff development, the school may close on a preannounced day. Typically these In Service days coincide with the Memorial Day and Labor Day Holidays.
If a student is having problems that may be impeding his/her progress and needs someone to talk to, the Student Services Advisor is available to assist as an advocate, helping discover resources and connecting students with referrals. Students are encouraged to make full use of the services available for any of the following areas: housing assistance, childcare, transportation, part-time job assistance, life skills, budget, and personal financial planning skills.