All students will have a personal consultation with the Financial Services Department to begin the financial aid process. Orion Tech strives to provide outstanding customer service by assisting students (and parents, if appropriate) with the required paperwork.
Orion Tech is committed to assisting students in developing financial plans for their education. A variety of methods for meeting college expenses are available. To help select which methods best suit individual needs students are encouraged to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (or FAFSA) . This form is used by the Department of Education to determine eligibility for Federal Student Assistance to determine what responsibility the student and/or his/her family may have.
One to two weeks after the FAFSA is received by the school, the student’s financial aid package including what aid is available and what is still needed will be discussed. To the extent possible, a student’s family is expected to contribute financially toward education. Self-help may include, but is not limited to: cash or credit card payments directly to Orion Tech, part-time job earnings, assistance from outside agencies or other family members.
If a student does not need financial assistance, he/she is not required to complete a FAFSA. Please contact our Financial Services Department to discuss payment options. If a student does need financial assistance, he/she is required to complete a FAFSA. Failure to submit the required paperwork within the requisite time period may result in a request for full payment of tuition and fees.
To help students pay for their education after high school, the federal government offers three major financial aid programs. Orion Tech is eligible to participate in the following programs:
Pell Grants provide money to help undergraduates (who have not earned a Bachelor’s Degree) pay for their education after high school The Pell Grant Program is the largest of the federal Student Aid Programs. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be paid back. For many students, these grants provide a “foundation” of financial aid, to which aid from other federal and nonfederal sources may be added. The government requires any student applying for any type of financial aid program to complete a FAFSA. These forms are available at Orion Tech or may be completed online at:
Under the Federal Direct Stafford Loan program, students can apply for a loan to help pay the cost of their tuition, books, supplies, fees and living expenses. Such loans are available through the Department of Education. Most students who use the loan program qualify for a “no-interest” provision while they are in college. These loans must be repaid.
For undergraduate students, no interest is charged on subsidized loans while the student is in school at least half time and during deferment periods. This is a need-based loan. During this time the interest is paid (subsidized) by the government.
The amount of money a student may borrow will depend on the results of the needs test. Students begin repaying the loan 6 months after they graduate or discontinue their studies. The minimum monthly payment is usually $50. Repayment of these loans is usually completed in 10 years or less. When a student leaves college, the Department of Education, through a federal loan servicer, contacts the student to establish a repayment schedule.
Students are required to notify the Financial Services Office and the Department of Education of any change in local or permanent address. More information is available from the Financial Services Office.
For undergraduate students interest is charged on all unsubsidized loans during all periods.
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans must be repaid. these loans enter repayment 6 months after leaving college. More information is available from the Financial Services office.
Parents of dependent students (dependent by federal definition) may borrow under a federal student aid program called Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program (Federal Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students). This loan may not exceed the student’s estimated cost of attendance minus any estimated financial assistance the student has been or will be awarded during the period of enrollment. Parent borrowers begin repayment within 30 days after the loan is issued. More information is available from the Financial Services Office.
If you are a veteran and will be using a benefit from the Veterans’ Administration, you need to notify the Financial Services Department. In general, your VA application (regardless of benefit type) should be submitted by you electronically. You may submit your application before classes begin, but the college will not certify you before classes begin. The college will need a copy of your DD214 along with your acceptance letter (or certificate of eligibility) in order to certify you and initiate payment from the VA.
Students receiving financial aid in the form of grants will be responsible for repaying any monies given to them that become unearned due to dismissal of training.
Students receiving financial aid in the form of Federal Direct Student Loans are responsible to start paying back the loans six months after dismissal or graduation.
The federal government will require some federal student aid applicants to prove that what they have reported on their application is correct. Orion Tech requires financial aid applicants to submit the required documentation to verify their information before awarded aid is disbursed to them. As part of this process, students and their parents (if applicable) are required to submit a copy of their prior year’s Federal Income Tax Transcript. Other documents may also be required. If the information or any of the documents conflict with what was reported on the application, students may be required to provide additional information. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in the loss or non-receipt of aid awarded.
Federal regulations (34 CFR 668.34) require all students receiving Federal Title IV Financial Aid funds maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) while in the pursuit of their diploma or degree. There are qualitative and quantitative standards in measuring progress, all of which are outlined below. These standards consider cumulative grade point average, attempted and earned credit, and “pace of completion” in determining whether a student maintains aid eligibility. A student’s entire academic history is considered, whether or not the student received federal aid. The standards in this document are separate and distinct from the Academic Progress policy outlined in the Academic Catalog.
Three standards are used to measure SAP for federal financial aid. There are quantitative and quantitative standards used to measure progress as outlined below:
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is determined by dividing total quality points by total hours completed. It will be calculated at each evaluation point and includes all work completed in the program. Quality points are explained in the grading policy section of the Academic Catalog.
Successful completion of a course requires a grade of 1.0 (D) or above. “F” or “I” grades are not considered successful completion. “F” and “I” grades carry zero quality points but will be included in the calculation of the CGPA. A grade of “W” is not considered a successful completion of a course and does not get calculated in the CGPA. A grade of “T” or “P” will not be included in the calculation of CGPA. Although repeated courses will count towards credit hours attempted, the higher of the two grades earned will be used in the CGPA calculation.
Successful completion of a core course in the Medical Assisting Program must have a 70% (C) or higher. See Assisting Grading Policy
The pace of completion is calculated by dividing the number of credits completed by the number of credits attempted in a program. To retain financial aid eligibility a student must maintain pace of completion as shown in the program specific charts below.
o All hours attempted, including repeated courses, will apply towards Pace of Completion including courses completed with an “F,” “I,” “T,” “P,” or “W.”
o Grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” and “D” are considered attempted and earned.
All students must complete their program in a period not to exceed 150% of the published length of the program as measured in credit hours. For example, a student may attempt a maximum of 180 credit hours if the program length is 120 credit hours (120 x 1.5 = 180). In order to graduate, a student must complete 100% of the required courses within the maximum time frame.
o All hours attempted, including repeated courses, will apply towards the maximum time frame to complete the program including courses completed with an “F”, “I”, “T,” or “W”.
o Grades of A, B, C, D are considered attempted and earned.
Satisfactory Academic Progress is monitored after the completion of each scheduled term (known as evaluation points). To be meeting satisfactory academic progress and complete the program within the maximum time frame (MTF), a student must have completed/earned the specified credit hours and maintained the CGPA standard at each evaluation point as outlined in the charts below:
Credit HoursMinimum CGPA RequiredMinimum Rate of Progress
0-8.5 | 1.0 | 25% |
9-16.5 | 1.5 | 50% |
17-24.5 | 2.0 | 67% |
25-32.5 | 2.0 | 67% |
33 – 48.75 | 2.0 | 67% |
Credit HoursMinimum CGPA RequiredMinimum Rate of Progress
0-8.5 | 1.0 | 25% |
9-16.5 | 1.5 | 50% |
17-24 | 2.0 | 67% |
25-32 | 2.0 | 67% |
33 – 48 | 2.0 | 67% |
Credit HoursMinimum CGPA RequiredMinimum Rate of Progress
0-15 | 1.0 | 50% |
16-30 | 1.5 | 50% |
31-45 | 1.75 | 50% |
46-60 | 2.0 | 67% |
61-75 | 2.0 | 67% |
76-90 | 2.0 | 67% |
91-105 | 2.0 | 67% |
106-120 | 2.0 | 67% |
121-135 | 2.0 | 67% |
1-15 | 1.0 | 50% |
16-30 | 2.0 | 67% |
31-45 | 2.0 | 67% |
Credit HoursMinimum CGPA RequiredMinimum Rate of Progress
To eligible to enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology, applicants must have satisfied the prerequisite of 90 credit hours in Electronics Engineering Technology in either transfer or proficiency credit equal to the course(s) outlined in the catalog for an Associate of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology
Financial Aid Warning is assigned at the end of a term, when a student fails to meet Pace of Completion or Minimum CGPA.
Financial Aid Suspension is assigned when a student fails to make SAP after a term on Financial Aid Warning. A student on Financial Aid Suspension is no longer eligible to receive federal aid. The student is notified prior to the start of the next term that aid will be lost unless an appeal is submitted and granted.
A student may be removed from Financial Aid Suspension after successfully appealing, at which point he/she will placed on Financial Aid Probation and have his or her eligibility reinstated for one additional term.
Financial Aid Probation is assigned to a student who successfully appeals his or her Financial Aid Suspension and has eligibility for aid reinstated for one additional term (The Appeal Process follows below). To regain eligibility after that, the student must meet SAP or the requirements of the approved Academic Plan.
An Academic Plan will be developed for a student in Financial Aid Suspension which, if followed, will allow the student to be able to meet financial aid SAP standards by an agreed upon date (end of an evaluation period). This Plan is developed with the Academic Dean, in consultation with the Financial Aid Director.
The loss of financial aid eligibility due to Financial Aid Suspension may be appealed if extenuating circumstances interfered with the student’s ability to meet satisfactory academic progress. An appeal is a process by which a student who did not meet satisfactory academic progress after a financial aid warning petitions the college for reconsideration of eligibility for federal funds.
To appeal the loss of financial aid, a student must submit a SAP Appeal Form explaining the extenuating circumstances that resulted in their lack of academic progress and provide supporting documentation (this form may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office).
If a student has a balance with Orion Tech, after meeting with Student Financial Services, he/she will need to schedule tuition payments with the Financial Services Office at 1011 E. 53rd Street, Davenport, Iowa 52807, phone (563) 386-3570. Once these tuition payments have been arranged, the student is expected to make payments on time. If the student does not comply with tuition payment arrangements and requirements, he/she may be terminated.
The balance of the student’s tuition will be due in full on the 1st day of each term unless other specific arrangements are made with the Financial Office at Orion Technical College, Ltd. In the event a student withdraws from college, he/she will be advised of the charges that have been incurred with Orion Technical College, Ltd.
The College Does Not Guarantee That Student Will Be Able To Obtain Financial Aid. The College Does Not Guarantee A Minimum Level Of Or Term(S) For Financial Aid. Student Understands That The College Will Only Attempt To Assist Student In His/her Effort To Obtain Financial Aid, And The College Is Not Responsible For Student’s Failure To Obtain Financial Aid Or For Any Deficiency Or Lack Of Qualification By Student To Obtain Financial Aid.
The law specifies how Orion Technical College, Ltd., determines the amount of Title IV program assistance that a student earns if he/she withdraws from college. When a student withdraws during his/her period of enrollment, the amount of Title IV program assistance that has been earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula, on a pro rata basis. For example, if a student completed 25% of his/her period of enrollment, he/she would earn 25% of the assistance originally scheduled. Once more than 60% of the period of enrollment is completed, all the assistance that a student was scheduled to receive is earned for that period. It is possible that a student may have a balance remaining with the college after Title IV funds have been returned to the U.S. Department of Education in accordance with federal law. Students should note that they are responsible for any remaining tuition balance left with the college after the return of Title IV Funds. Students may find additional information relating to the return of Title IV Funds by contacting the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-2143. TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913. Additional information is also available on the web at
A student wishing to withdraw or cancel (prior to the Add/Withdraw Period) must notify Orion Technical College, Ltd., in in one of the following manners:
Students who withdraw with tuition or other fees due the college are requested to make arrangements for payment at the time of withdrawal. The college will attempt to collect any unpaid tuition balance for a period of six (6) months after the student’s last day of attendance or last involvement in an academic activity at Orion Technical College, Ltd. At that time the unpaid account may be submitted to a commercial collection agency.
Grounds for dismissal of student include: Failing grades, tuition or fee payment delinquencies, or failure to comply with college rules, as described in the Academic Catalog. A student who does not attend classes for a period of fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days is withdrawn except in extraordinary cases such as Military training and jury duty. These exceptions must be communicated to the college before 14 calendar days or the dismissal will result.
Whether a student terminates his/her enrollment or is terminated by the college, the student’s withdrawal date or LDA (Last Date of Attendance) is determined by reviewing the attendance records of the current term that the student was attending (Date of Determination).
the college does not guarantee that a student will be able to obtain financial aid. the college does not guarantee eligibility for or the terms of financial aid. student understands that the college will only attempt to assist student in his/her effort to obtain financial aid, and the college is not responsible for student’s failure to obtain financial aid or for any deficiency or lack of qualification by student to obtain financial aid.
If financial aid is received and a student withdraws from college, the college will calculate the amount of financial aid assistance not earned and those funds will be returned to the proper agency or student. The following guidelines will be used to determine the amount of aid that needs to be returned.
Consultation with the Financial Aid Director is advised as soon as convenient.
All students receiving Title IV funds are subject to regulations set forth in 34 CFR 668.22, Return of Title IV funds. The provisions of 34 CFR 668.22 will be made available upon request.
All tuition refunds will be made within 45 days from the date of determination of the student’s withdrawal from college. In the case of a Leave of Absence, if a student does not return to the college on the scheduled return date, a refund will be made within 45 days from the date of determination.
The law specifies how Orion Technical College, Ltd., determines the amount of Title IV program assistance that a student earns if he/she withdraws from college. When a student withdraws during his/her period of enrollment, the amount of Title IV program assistance that has been earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula, on a pro rata basis. For example, if a student completed 25% of his/her period of enrollment, he/she would earn 25% of the assistance originally scheduled. Once more than 60% of the period of enrollment is completed, all the assistance that a student was scheduled to receive is earned for that period. It is possible that a student may have a balance remaining with the college after Title IV funds have been returned to the U.S. Department of Education in accordance with federal law. Students should note that they are responsible for any remaining tuition balance left with the college after the return of Title IV Funds. Students may find additional information relating to the return of Title IV Funds by contacting the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-2143. TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913. Additional information is also available on the web at
Full refund of all monies will be made in the case of cancellation of the course by the college.
The Add/Withdrawal period is the time at the beginning of a term, when a student may withdraw or add without penalty. The Withdrawal period is the first 5 class days of the term. The determination of attendance will be made prior to the disbursement of financial aid funds. Orion Technical College, Ltd. reserves the right to cancel a student’s enrollment for nonattendance within the first 5 class days of the term. Students can appeal their cancellation in writing to the Dean of Students within 5 days of the cancellation. The Add/Withdrawal period may be adjusted when a holiday, inclement weather, or other unforeseen events occur within the first 5 class days of the term.
If the student withdraws or is withdrawn from Orion Technical College, Ltd., the following refund policy will apply:
Orion Technical College, Ltd., shall calculate a terminating student’s tuition refund based upon the ratio of the remaining (incomplete) number of calendar days in the term to the total calendar days of the term times 90 percent.
All students receiving Title IV funds are subject to regulations set forth in 34 CFR 668.22, Return of Title IV funds. The provisions of 34 CFR 668.22 will be made available upon request.
All tuition refunds will be made within 45 days from the date of determination of the student’s withdrawal from college. In the case of a Leave of Absence, if a student does not return to the college on the scheduled return date, a refund will be made within 45 days from the date of determination.
Orion Technical College, Ltd. uses a form to calculate Title IV Refunds. Orion Technical College, Ltd uses this form to make its determination of Title IV funds that have been earned and students can use the form which is available on our website: /files/2017/01/r2t4-worksheet.pdf as a way to estimate the amount of Title IV a student has earned and the amount that needs to be returned.
It is possible that some students in the National Guard and Reserves may be called to active duty.
This policy applies to:
Orion Technical College recognizes and appreciates the important contributions made in service of our country by these men and women. In support of these students, Orion Technical College has developed the following options in accordance with Iowa Code 261.9(1)(g):
Withdraw the entire registration and 100% of the tuition and mandatory fees would be refunded.
If arrangements are made with the student’s instructor and Campus Director or Designee for grades or incompletes (to be made up later) his/her status would remain “active” and tuition and mandatory fees would be assessed in full.
Make arrangements with only some of the student’s instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded.
The option a student chooses obviously depends on the point in the session when the student is called to active duty. Financial aid is refunded in accordance with existing College and Federal policies for each of the above situations. Inquiries should be directed to the Financial Aid Director. These procedures do not apply to reservists who are fulfilling their annual two-week active duty.
In addition to the above-mentioned policy, there are implications related to any financial aid a student may have through the various federal programs. The rules on these are not necessarily within the control of this institution. Consultation with the Financial Aid Director is advised as soon as convenient.
Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded.
To comply with the new Department of Defense policy, Orion Technical College will return any unearned TA funds on a prorate basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending. These funds are returned to the military Service branch.
Instances when a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, the educational institution will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.
Orion Technical College has a policy that returns any unearned tuition assistance (TA) funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds were provided to the military Service Branch.
For a programs with 10-week terms, Medical Assisting Technology, Medical/Insurance Coding Specialist, HVVAC-R. the following schedule is followed:
1 | 100% | Return | |
2 | 100% | Return | |
3 | 100% | Return | |
4 | 100% | Return | |
5 | 100% | Return | |
6 | 85% | Return | |
7 | 83% | Return | |
8 | 80% | Return | |
9 | 87% | Return | |
10 | 75% | Return | |
11 | 73% | Return | |
12 | 70% | Return | |
13 | 68% | Return | |
14 | 65% | Return | |
15 | 63% | Return | |
16 | 60% | Return | |
17 | 58% | Return | |
18 | 55% | Return | |
19 | 53% | Return | |
20 | 50% | Return | |
21 | 48% | Return | |
22 | 45% | Return | |
23 | 43% | Return | |
24 | 40% | Return | 60% Complete |
25 | 0% | Return |
For programs with 15-week terms (Associate and Bachelor Degree Electronics Engineering Technology) the following schedule is followed:
1 | 100% | Return | |
2 | 100% | Return | |
3 | 100% | Return | |
4 | 100% | Return | |
5 | 100% | Return | |
6 | 90% | Return | |
7 | 88% | Return | |
8 | 87% | Return | |
9 | 85% | Return | |
10 | 83% | Return | |
11 | 82% | Return | |
12 | 80% | Return | |
13 | 78% | Return | |
14 | 77% | Return | |
15 | 75% | Return | |
16 | 73% | Return | |
17 | 72% | Return | |
18 | 70% | Return | |
19 | 68% | Return | |
20 | 67% | Return | |
21 | 65% | Return | |
22 | 63% | Return | |
23 | 62% | Return | |
24 | 60% | Return | 60% Complete |
25 | 58% | Return | |
26 | 57% | Return | |
27 | 55% | Return | |
28 | 53% | Return | |
29 | 52% | Return | |
30 | 50% | Return | |
31 | 48% | Return | |
32 | 47% | Return | |
33 | 45% | Return | |
34 | 43% | Return | |
35 | 42% | Return | |
36 | 40% | Return | 60% Complete |
37 | 0% | Return |
Iowa Code Section 261F.2 and Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 601.21, require the development, administration, and enforcement of a code of conduct governing educational loan activities. Our officers, employees, trustees and agents, including the alumni association, booster club, and other organizations associated with Orion Technical College, agree to the provisions of this Code of Conduct and will refrain from:
This institution is committed to providing the information and resources necessary to help every student achieve educational success. To accomplish this goal the financial aid staff will consider each student’s individual needs.
A comprehensive Code of Conduct detailing permissible and impermissible activities has been provided to all of our officers, employees, and agents.